National Compliance - About

Member Benefits

Members receive the following benefits:

Updated schedules and documentation regarding the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act

Latest compliance updates

Continued support via online and telephonic advice

Regular monitoring of FAIS compliance protocols

Industry information and much more via the Member portal

We assist with FSP license applications from A to Z

So how do you receive these benefits?

Step 1: Sign Up as a client of National Compliance.

Step 2: Register on the website, wait for verification.

Step 3: Login here or enter login details (Top Right).


Why comply with FAIS?

Every financial services provider (FSP) must comply with the provisions of FAIS as stipulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA). National Compliance assists Financial Services Providers in keeping FAIS compliance, not as a once off but rather on an ongoing basis. Gain access to a systematic approach and trusted advice that will assist you in keeping FAIS compliant. National Compliance will provide timely information and services to help with critical business decisions.